Monday 15 June 2020

Day 6: Enabling Access

This weeks pedagogy topic is connected. This new phase the world went through at the end of February showed
us how important connecting is and the many different ways to connect with the students. Just being available and
touching base with the students on a daily basis strengthened the relationships already made and connected them
to their learning and classmates. For a connection to happen both parties need to share, this is an important
distinguishment between just sharing what you have learnt. 
Therefore for all those that have given me feedback and comments, thank you!

The four elements of the kaupapa visible, ubiquitous, connected and empowered do not stand alone but
complement each other. This is how I want to set up my class site. 
Today we focused on our class learning sites, which was great as it was time carved out of our busy schedules
to do much needed tweaks. I focused on the “shop window” of my class site, ensuring that the learning is visible
and easy to get to. Ensuring there is connection as well; connection with the teacher and what I am about;
connection to the tasks and assignments and connection to the school site and learners blogs. Also incorporating
the multi-modal learning we looked at last week.
My fellow DFI participants had the opportunity to look at my site and give me much valued feedback which I will
take on board and continue to work and improve on my class site.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Day 5: Collaborate

This week the focus was on the Manaiakalani kaupapa: Visible.
Can you see it? Is your teaching visible to not only students but whanau as well. I have found with the students
when they know the purpose of the tasks they have to do, they take ownership of their learning. Success need
no longer be a learner’s ability to read the teacher’s mind and answer the questions just right. It's about showing
your understanding and there are so many ways this can be presented. 
And as with sharing, there shouldn’t be a need to reinvent the wheel in education, there are so many resources,
and activities that are visible creating opportunities to collaborate.
With the big move to the digital world, information needs to be accessible, available and advance. Students have
opportunities to see the learning journey the teacher has set and then can take it further with additional resources
and activities that are available.
Today we looked at How blogging and blog comments are making the student’s learning journey visible and creates
the opportunity to get feedback and feed forward not only from the teacher but also from their peers and the public
in general. 

The modes we have explored so far allow us to create and share in whichever medium we feel brings our point
across. This for students is a big shift to the traditional book and pen and teaching them which mode suits the
situation best. 

How do we engage the students to stay focused on learning when there are so many distractions online? Indeed,
Well today we had a go at making google sites with the idea of Engage in mind - how does the shop window
dressing lock us in? Our sites need to reflect what we are about, the class culture and be to the point.

My site is still a working progress but I have considered how to hook the students from the “window” and how to
focus their learning by directing the content they will be in contact with. 

This was also an opportunity for me to collaborate with other teachers, sharing the resources we have found to
make the process much more streamlined. 

Have a look at the site. Feedback is most welcome.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Day 4: Digital Fluency Intensive - Dealing with Data

Kia Ora,
 So this week we looked at what Share is and what does it look like in a Manaiakalani school. Sharing is not a new concept, it goes back probably to the beginning of time, mans need to share and communicate, to show and to learn. So for our students today are faced with so many ways to share. Blogger was chosen as the platform to do so because it resembles the media world the students live in but is restricted and controlled for their safety. I learnt this week some neat tricks with sheets like the use of add-ons for one. Conditional formatting is definitely something I will be using especially with the thousands of assesments to keep track of. What I was most surprised about is CSV!! Just the other day I had trouble with downloading some test results that was in csv form and I had no idea why or how to access it. I tried opening it with Google Chrome, but thats just a browser. Then I uploaded it to google drive to then open with Google Sheets. Aces!!! now I won't have to manually type in the results, I can just copy and paste. Time that I definitely need.

 Another activity we did, was using Mymaps, I had not seen this before and definitely did not think I would be using it. We mapped out our ideal holiday destinations as seen below.

 I will be using this with my students to turbocharge their learning and not just talking about the places we read about but to pin them on a map to go on a journey together. How awesome would that be.

We also created Google forms which I will be using with my students in our statistical investigation and getting feedback from my students who may be too shy to put up their hand.

 Thanks for reading next our topic will be Collaborate.
 Until next time!